Payday Loans: Worth The Risk? Payday loans were initially developed to solve the growing problem of getting folks in financial jams the money they needed fast. However, in recent years, payday loans have been called a scam that exploits those in need by trapping them in an unending cycle of debt. Unfortunately, payday loans can be a cycle of debt if not used responsibly. To make sure you're not a victim to payday loans, follow these tips. 1. Use payday loans for emergencies only Payday loans are one of the easiest ways to get 2500 dollars now. But just because it's the easiest way, doesn't make it the best way. When you find yourself strapped for cash, ask yourself if you really need the money to pay for an essential item or service or do you want the money for something that you can do without. If it's not a necessity, then you should probably not take out a payday loan. Payday loans come with a very high APR. If you can't repay the loan by your ne